Bring it on 2018!

Hello my squad!

¿Comó le va?

4 months down in the field! Crazy how time can go so fast but seem like forever all at the same time. Been loving every minute of it, the ups and downs and looking forward to 2018 and what it will hold. My time with Elder Sitterud and McConnell is coming to an end. I will most likely be getting a new companion sometime next week. Elder Sitterud is on his way home and for Elder McConnell, he’ll most likely be changing areas. Been a blast with these two, they’ve taught me lots and have really prepared me for the next 20ish months.

This last week has been pretty average but we were able to get a lot of work done. We went on exchanges with the other Elders so that was nice to get a little boost in our area. I wish I had some crazy story for you guys but I really don't…a couple of things did happen though! While on exchanges with Elder Rocha and Elder Sitterud, we knocked into this Ethiopian man. He was really nice and let us right in. For the next 45 minutes, as we tried to teach him the Restoration, he would just go off about how in his country, the year is only 2010 and how Christmas was actually yesterday….it was actually pretty interesting and entertaining so we enjoyed ourselves. Daniel, our new Ethiopian homie, was to the point where he was explaining to us how the U.S. and the rest of the world went wrong with the calendar and I have to admit some of it really made sense, the parts that were actually in English. lol But the whole thing was hilarious since Daniel kept switching back and forth from Ethiopian to English. haha But anyways, Merry Christmas to everyone who follows the Ethiopian calendar!

For the past month or so we have been working with a less active family. Their name is the Lopez family and the youngest daughter, Maritsa, is turning 8 this week. So have been helping her prepare to be baptized and getting the whole family back to church. They’ve been coming back slowly so Maritsa will be baptized once they attend a couple more times this month. Pretty exciting because Maritsa has asked me to dunk her! Technically it doesn’t count for numbers since they are already members but I’ll get wet at any opportunity! The situation also works out perfectly since on the weekends Hma. Lopez also watched her 2 nieces while her ex-sister-in-law goes to work. So we saw the situation and jumped at it! We went over and talked to Melanie and Jacquelyn a little bit and yesterday Hma. Lopez brought them to church. They said they loved it, made some new friends, ate some good food (breaking of the fast coming in clutch) and said for the first time in awhile they felt welcomed and want to learn more. Their mom is really open to them coming and also being taught by us. The girls said they are interested in baptism so we will be working with them to get them ready.

I’ll leave you guys with a quote of the week. While we were at a member’s house for dinner, this is what the mom told us that her daughter said, “Mom we need to set the table extra special and super nice, so perfect, because the missionaries are coming over, and that’s basically having Jesus over!” Well said!

Go check out 3 Nephi 5:13, and instead of “I am” replace it with “We are all”!
            13 Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of 
             him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

Love you all!

Love from the 515…deficil es bueno

Elder Christensen
No caption was caption needed!


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